The Drinking Bird

If robots are taking our jobs, why are we all still working so hard? A group of actors delve into a dialectical exchange about Universal Basic Income, the Green New Deal, and the American economy while completing a series of strange, repetitive, and entertaining tasks that may or may not be accomplishing anything. The first in a trilogy of plays exploring the meaning of work and the value of humans in an increasingly automated age.

Text by McFeely Sam Goodman
Co-created and directed by Sarah Hughes
Co-created by Marisela Grajeda Gonzalez, Lucy Kaminsky, Narea Kang, Rachel Lin, Mike Mikos, Rad Pereira, Alyssa Simmons, Emily Auciello, Allie York, Cha See, and Ryan Goff.

Development History:

Ice Factory 2019 at New Ohio Theatre
July 3-6, 2019

Produced by Alyssa Simmons

Cast: Marisela Grajeda Gonzalez, Lucy Kaminsky, Narea Kang*, Rachel Lin*, Mike Mikos & Rad Pereira*
Stage Manager: Allie York*
Scenic & Props Design: Ryan Goff
Lighting Design: Cha See
Sound Design: Emily Auciello
Production Management: Pleiades Theater Collective
*These actors appeared courtesy of Actors Equity Association.

Swarthmore Poject in Theater (Developmental Workshop)
Swarthmore College
July 20-22, 2018
Participants: McFeely Sam Goodman, Sarah Hughes, Lucy Kaminsky, Eliza Bent, Wesley Han, Michaela Shuchman, Michelle Johnson, Margot Wisel, and Jenna Horton.
This Is Not Normal at The Brick (staged reading)
July 5, 2017

Cast: Agnes Borinsky, Lanxing Fu, Lucy Kaminsky, J Molière, Stephanie Regina, & Sam Breslin Wright

For inquiries about this piece, the script, and video, contact limitedliabilitytheaterco[at]gmail[dot]com